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It’s the middle of the year. I am laughing and crying as I remember how it has all gone down. There have been many gains and losses and successes and failures. The beauty of it all is that purpose never fails until you stop trying. When you keep trying, you can make progress.

The words of this song have been ringing in my head.

Great is your faithfulness to me

From the rising sun to the setting same I will praise your name

‘Promises’ by Maverick City Music

You can listen to the song ‘Promises’ by Maverick City Music here.

I can’t deny his faithfulness. It has been well. This is a good time to evaluate me and see how much I have done with the things entrusted to me.

Why is self-evaluation so hard?

My son mentioned the other day that your face is the one thing you own that only others can see. This is true, you only see a reflection of your face. And that’s all you’ve got to work with, but that is enough. When you evaluate yourself, you can only see from your point of view. But again, that is enough. You matter. How do you see yourself? Do you see yourself able to make it through 6 more months to a new year? 

Things to evaluate for progress

Here are some things you should check:

  • Your goals for the past 6 months: How much have you achieved? What more can you do?
  • Your confidence level: What can you do to boost your morale and keep you going? What have you been listening to? What will you listen to and believe this half of the year?
  • Your energy level: How alert do you feel? Are you taking your multivitamins? Are you getting in enough exercise and sleep? What do you need to adjust to do better?
  • Your current attitude: How do you feel about the things you have to do? Do you still care about them? How are you with people? Are you holding grudges or judging matters best left in the first half of the year?
  • Your emotional and mental health. This is very important as it can determine how you perceive the remaining half of the year.

Investigate these issues, and resolve to do better. Also, do not be ashamed to ask for help where necessary.

Helpful metrics:

Six months is a long time, so how do you measure events from that far back? Here are some things you can use to gauge your progress. Your:

  • Journal/jotter/list keeper
  • Email
  • Phone log
  • Picture and video gallery
  • Social media profiles
  • Friends

It’s time to pause and take stock of the first half of the year. What have you achieved? What’s left to be done? What should be put on hold and what should be moved to the front burner?

Speaking of front burners, what do you need to learn this second half of the year that can help you achieve more? Send me a mail and let’s talk about it. 

Lots of love,
