Hello again!
It’s been a rollercoaster few months. And it’s been exhausting, but super rewarding. I’ve had to make quite a few changes in the way I work to help me find balance, but in doing so, I have learned a lot!
What have I missed telling you in the past few months?
- My business ChoWilson.com turned 15. It was a time to reflect and celebrate God’s goodness. And it was just after my birthday in September, which I didn’t celebrate because I was focused on the anniversary in October.
- I published 3 more books. If you have been following me, then you might have a copy of Weekends are for Loving. Now there’s Of Exes and Weddings and Other Stories, my anthology of short stories. And there’s my personal favourite, Conversations with Jesus, a devotional for women. Last, there’s The Many Seasons of Christmas, an anthology of short stories by the writers who won our Christmas contest. You can order copies here. on WhatsApp, or visit my publisher’s website.
- I’ve attended a reunion and a retreat. And I have other reunions lined up throughout November and December.

There’s more. There’s always more, but don’t let me overwhelm you. I’m getting dizzy just writing about them.
So, what have I learned from this season? As I approach the end of the year, I remember the decision I made in January. One step at a time. One foot in front of the other. And this is my year to find balance.
Balance. That delicate thing that can destroy your peace if it goes missing. How can you maintain balance?

How to maintain balance
Set clear boundaries:
When you don’t openly define your boundaries, they get crossed. And don’t think boundaries don’t exist. If they don’t, you have to create them for your peace of mind. You cannot be everything to everyone. You can try, but you will fail woefully. Know your limits and do your best not to cross them.
When you don’t openly define your boundaries, they get crossed.
Who is important? What is important? You don’t need to attend every event. But you must show up at the important ones. You don’t need to respond to every call whenever the phone rings, but some are urgent and must be received immediately. Some tasks need to be handled before others to keep you from getting distracted and not finishing the time-bound tasks that must be done today. Once you miss that task, it’s gone. I once delayed applying for a job I really wanted. When I was ready, I had missed the submission deadline by hours. It was a painful lesson. But I learned. Kill procrastination by prioritising.
Have a support system:
If you don’t have one, today is a great day to create a support system. Family and friends are a great support system, but sometimes you need people not so close to you who can hold you accountable. Get a mentor or a counsellor who you can be accountable to. Get someone who can fill in when you are stuck. Even something as basic as helping you with the dishes, making a grocery run or helping with online research can take a load off your mind.
Be flexible:
Life comprises science, art, and the humanities. The world does not run on a rigid schedule; it is sometimes windy in the hot season and warm in the cold seasons. There are sudden and unexpected weather behaviours that do not follow the expected pattern. If nature can be flexible, then so can you. Just roll with it. Enjoy the journey.
So set boundaries, prioritise, have a support system and be flexible. I’m taking my advice and running with it to the end of the year. I hope you do too.
Lots of love,