About Me

Pamela Agboga
From a young girl spinning endless tales to a seasoned professional crafting narratives across diverse mediums, I started scribbling and telling tall tales as a child. She had a story that ran on for days and never ended because she just kept making stuff up, but her family never minded. They were her first audience and the ones to keep reminding her that she had not written her first novel yet.
I started with writing short stories, poems and articles on various websites and school magazines. Anywhere she could get published. She started many first drafts but abandoned them with time. She started writing and reading the news for a television production house Business and Technology Edge. From there she worked with Callivision Network, a music production TV show as a scriptwriter and voice-over artist. She moved from there to become an associate editor of a print magazine that focused on schools and universities, Spur Magazine. Then she started writing and editing for ConnectNigeria, an online information portal.
In 2012, she finished her first novel and published the ebook version with WestBow Press in 2013. After that she published some short stories on SleeickTales, a website she built with some friends. Then she added her stories to an anthology, Pepper Soup, created by another friend. She attended a workshop on screenwriting and was fascinated with that form of writing. She soon started writing and editing movie and television scripts alongside her novel and short story writing. She is the script editor for the movie STRAIN and a scriptwriter for AfricaMagic EVE Season 2. She just released her first novel in paperback, Weekends are for Loving. She is working on a collection of short stories and a devotional for women.
Pamela has edited over 30 manuscripts, majorly fiction, and movie scripts. Her editing prowess has helped her clients get the advantage in various competitions. Going beyond just proofreading and copyediting, she has helped polish stories and made them shine into the hearts of millions of readers.
Pamela loves mentoring. Sharing the knowledge gained from over 15 years of working with individuals and organisations as a staff and consultant brings her joy.